I am not a big fan of this type of image, they are a bit 2013 for my taste, in fact I think that this is the very first time I have ever used one.

But, I cannot think of anything more appropriate, short of writing a Thank You for every single person that helped make Guildford Fringe Festival 2023 such a huge, mammoth, colossal success.

To everyone that attended a show, bought a ticket, enjoyed a drink, laughed, clapped, cried or gasped, can Charlotte and myself say THANK YOU.

To each performer that played their part so brilliantly and selflessly, can we say THANK YOU.

To every member of staff at every venue that helped people find seats, the loos, the bar, and in one baffling incident, the stage, can we say THANK YOU.

And finally, to all of our sponsors, Friends and supporters, can I say THANK YOU.

We will be back next year for another inclusive, accessible, eclectic and hugely rewarding Fringe Festival because of you all.

We will write again very soon, with some facts and figures but right now, we do not want anything to get in the way of this, very simple but heartfelt message…that’s right, you guessed it…


Nick & Charlotte

Thank You

By NickWyschna

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